
Mutual support and advice

Be part of a group who share best practice, knowledge and advice on all aspects of teaching Argentine Tango & running tango events, from dealing with Covid 19 challenges to insurance, music licences and other legalities we face.

Create a stronger voice for Argentine Tango

We are a new Association and as we grow we will have the strength to achieve more for our members. By joining us you can help make a difference and help Argentine Tango gain recognition and attract more people into our community.

Use of the Association Logo

As a member, you can use the Association Official Member logo. Once you have joined and paid your membership subscription, we’ll send you a link to where you can download the logo.

Our two tiers

We have 2 tiers of membership. For the moment, membership is open to Tier 1 – those working with Argentine Tango*. We will introduce membership for Tier 2 – social tango dancers – later in 2021. The cost of membership for the Tier 1 category is £20 pa. Note: membership is only available to UK residents & tax payers.

Interested in becoming a member?

Together we create a stronger voice and profile for Argentine tango in the UK. If you are interested in joining us and being part of the discussion, simple drop us a line and we’ll send you all the information you need about becoming a member.